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Behavior Graph Class

Added on 5/18/2004


D7 D8 D8_5 D9 Mac Parent PC Shockwave

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Author: fluxus

A parent script for creating line graphs, bar graphs and pie charts with imaging lingo. Usefull for visualizing dynamic data e.g. from local or online databases. homepage:

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property pImg

property pXOffset
property pYOffset
property pW
property pH

property pLeftMarg
property pRightMarg
property pTopMarg
property pBottomMarg

property pMinY
property pMaxY

property pFont
property pFontsize
property pTextCol
property pshadeCol


-- optional: bgCol=background-color of canvas, shadeCol=color of shades
on new (me, img, bgCol, shadeCol)
  if not ilk(bgCol)=#color then bgCol = rgb(255,255,255)
  pImg = img
  pImg.fill(pImg.rect, bgCol) -- clear
  -- defaults
  pXOffset = 0
  pYOffset = 0
  pMinY = 0
  pMaxY = 100
  pLeftMarg = 0
  pRightMarg = 0
  pTopMarg = 0
  pBottomMarg = 0
  pFont = "Courier New"
  pFontsize = 11
  pTextCol = rgb(0, 0, 0)
  if ilk(shadeCol)=#color then pshadeCol = shadeCol
  else pshadeCol = rgb(80,80,80)
  return me

-- set left and top coordinate of graph
on setOffset (me, x, y)
  pXOffset = x
  pYOffset = y

-- set width and height of graph
on setDimensions (me, w, h)
  pW = w
  pH = h

-- set left and right margin within graph
on setMarginsX (me, leftMarg, rightMarg)
  if leftMarg>0 then pLeftMarg = leftMarg
  if rightMarg>0 then pRightMarg = rightMarg

-- set top and bottom margin within graph
on setMarginsY (me, topMarg, bottomMarg)
  if topMarg>0 then pTopMarg = topMarg
  if bottomMarg>0 then pBottomMarg = bottomMarg

-- set visible range of values
on setRange (me, minY, maxY)
  pMinY = minY
  pMaxY = maxY

-- add box arround rect specified by offset and dimensions
on addBox (me)
  canvasRect = rect(pXOffset, pYOffset, pXOffset+pW, pYOffset+pH)
  pImg.draw(canvasRect, [#shapeType:#rect, #lineSize:1, #color: rgb(0, 0, 0)])

-- add title on top of graph
on addTitle (me, str, props) -- optional propList props: font, fontsize, color, fontstyle, antialias
  if voidP(props) then props=[:]
  tm = new (#text)
  tm.bgcolor = rgb(255,255,255)
  if voidP(props["font"]) then tm.font = pFont
  else tm.font = props["font"]
  if voidP(props["fontsize"]) then tm.fontsize = pFontsize
  else tm.fontsize = props["fontsize"]
  if voidP(props["color"]) then tm.color = pTextCol
  else tm.color = props["color"]
  if voidP(props["fontstyle"]) then tm.fontstyle = [#plain]
  else tm.fontstyle = props["fontstyle"]
  if (props["antialias"]=1) then
    tm.antiAliasThreshold = 0
    tm.antiAlias = TRUE
    tm.antiAlias = FALSE
  end if
  tm.text = str
  img = tm.image
  p = tm.charPosToLoc(length(str)+1)
  x = pXOffset + pW/2 - p[1]/2
  y = pYOffset/2 - p[2]/2
  pImg.copyPixels(img, img.rect.offset(x,y), img.rect, [#ink: 36])

-- add title of x-axis
on addAxisTitleX (me, str, props) -- optional proplist props: font, fontsize, color, fontstyle, antialias
  if voidP(props) then props=[:]
  tm = new (#text)
  tm.bgcolor = rgb(255,255,255)
  if voidP(props["font"]) then tm.font = pFont
  else tm.font = props["font"]
  if voidP(props["fontsize"]) then tm.fontsize = pFontsize
  else tm.fontsize = props["fontsize"]
  if voidP(props["color"]) then tm.color = pTextCol
  else tm.color = props["color"]
  if voidP(props["fontstyle"]) then tm.fontstyle = [#plain]
  else tm.fontstyle = props["fontstyle"]
  if (props["antialias"]=1) then
    tm.antiAliasThreshold = 0
    tm.antiAlias = TRUE
    tm.antiAlias = FALSE
  end if
  tm.text = str
  img = tm.image
  p = tm.charPosToLoc(length(str)+1)
  x = pXOffset + pW/2 - p[1]/2
  y = pYOffset + pH + 25
  pImg.copyPixels(img, img.rect.offset(x,y), img.rect, [#ink: 36])

-- add title of y-axis
on addAxisTitleY (me, str, props) -- optional proplist props: font, fontsize, color, fontstyle, antialias
  if voidP(props) then props=[:]
  tm = new (#text)
  tm.bgcolor = rgb(255,255,255)
  if voidP(props["font"]) then tm.font = pFont
  else tm.font = props["font"]
  if voidP(props["fontsize"]) then tm.fontsize = pFontsize
  else tm.fontsize = props["fontsize"]
  if voidP(props["color"]) then tm.color = pTextCol
  else tm.color = props["color"]
  if voidP(props["fontstyle"]) then tm.fontstyle = [#plain]
  else tm.fontstyle = props["fontstyle"]
  if (props["antialias"]=1) then
    tm.antiAliasThreshold = 0
    tm.antiAlias = TRUE
    tm.antiAlias = FALSE
  end if
  tm.text = str
  tm.antiAliasThreshold = 10
  tm.antiAlias = TRUE
  p = tm.charPosToLoc(length(str)+1)
  tm.width = p[1]+1
  img = rotateImg(tm.image, PI*3/2)
  x = 10 --pXOffset + pW/2 - p[1]/2
  y = pYOffset + pH/2 - p[1]/2
  pImg.copyPixels(img, img.rect.offset(x,y), img.rect, [#ink: 36])

-- create grid, specified by number of horizontal and vertical sections (affected by margins)
on addGrid (me, cntX, cntY)
  if cntX >0 then
    von = (pLeftMarg=0)
    bis = cntX-(pRightMarg=0)
    repeat with i = von to bis
      pImg.draw(point(x,pYOffset), point(x,pYOffset+pH), [#shapeType:#line, #lineSize:1, #color: rgb(180,180,180)])
    end repeat
  end if
  if cntY>0 then
    von = (pTopMarg=0)
    bis = cntY-(pBottomMarg=0)
    repeat with i = von to bis
      --repeat with i = 1 to cntY-1
      pImg.draw(point(pXOffset+1,y), point(pXOffset+pW-1,y), [#shapeType:#line, #lineSize:1, #color: rgb(180,180,180)])
    end repeat
  end if

-- add labels to x-axis (affected by margins)
on addLabelsX (me, labels)
  tm = new (#text)
  tm.bgcolor = rgb(255,255,255)
  tm.font = pFont
  tm.fontsize = pFontsize
  tm.color = pTextCol
  repeat with i = 1 to cnt
    tm.text = str
    img = tm.image
    p = tm.charPosToLoc(length(str)+1)
    x=pXOffset+pLeftMarg+(i-1)*dx - p[1]/2
    pImg.copyPixels(img, img.rect.offset(x,y), img.rect, [#ink: 36])
  end repeat

-- add labels to y-axis (affected by margins)
on addLabelsY (me, labels)
  tm = new (#text)
  tm.bgcolor = rgb(255,255,255)
  tm.font = pFont
  tm.fontsize = pFontsize
  tm.color = pTextCol
  repeat with i = 1 to cnt
    tm.text = str
    img = tm.image
    p = tm.charPosToLoc(length(str)+1)
    y=pYOffset+pTopMarg+(i-1)*dy - p[2]/2
    pImg.copyPixels(img, img.rect.offset(x-p[1],y), img.rect, [#ink: 36])
  end repeat

-- add line with specified color to line-graph
on drawLines (me, data, aColor, props) -- optional proplist props: strokewidth, shade, shadeoffset, blur
  if voidP(props) then props=[:]
  w = pW-pLeftMarg-pRightMarg
  h = pH - pTopMarg - pBottomMarg
  dx = w/(cnt-1)
  scaleY = float(h)/(pMaxY-pMinY)
  repeat with i = 0 to cnt-1
    l.add([#vertex: point(x,y)])
  end repeat
  vm = new (#vectorShape)  
  vm.vertexList = l
  vm.backgroundcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
  if voidP(props["strokewidth"]) then sw = 1
  else sw = props["strokewidth"]
  vm.strokeWidth = sw
  -- add shade
  if (props["shade"]) then
    vm.strokeColor = pshadeCol
    if voidP(props["shadeoffset"]) then shadeOffset = 1
    else shadeOffset = props["shadeoffset"]
    blur = props["blur"]
    if blur then img=blur(vm.image,blur,1)
    pImg.copyPixels(img, vm.image.rect.offset(pXOffset+pLeftMarg+shadeOffset,pYOffset+pTopMarg-sw+shadeOffset), vm.image.rect, [#ink: 39])
  end if
  -- add line
  vm.strokeColor = aColor
  pImg.copyPixels(vm.image, vm.image.rect.offset(pXOffset+pLeftMarg,pYOffset+pTopMarg-sw), vm.image.rect, [#ink: 36])

-- add bars with specified values, color, width and offset to bar-graph
on drawBar (me, data, aColor, barWidth, horOffset, props) -- optional proplist props: linesize, shade, shadeoffset, blur
  if voidP(props) then props=[:]
  if voidP(barWidth) then barWidth=15
  if voidP(horOffset) then horOffset=0
  cnt = count(data)
  --w = pW-pLeftMarg-pRightMarg
  h = pH - pTopMarg - pBottomMarg
  scaleY = float(h)/(pMaxY-pMinY)
  dx = (pW-pLeftMarg-pRightMarg)/(cnt-1)
  y0 = pYOffset+pH-pBottomMarg
  if voidP(props["linesize"]) then ls = 1
  else ls = props["linesize"]
  if (props["shade"]) then
    if voidP(props["shadeoffset"]) then shadeOffset = 2
    else shadeOffset = props["shadeoffset"]
    blur = props["blur"]
  end if
  repeat with i = 0 to cnt-1
    y=y0 - (data[i+1]-pMinY)*scaleY
    if y      
      -- add shade
      if (props["shade"]) then
        if voidP(props["shadeoffset"]) then shadeOffset = 2
        else shadeOffset = props["shadeoffset"]
        if blur then
          img.fill(5,shadeOffset,barWidth+5,y0-y, [#shapeType: #rect, #lineSize: 0, #color: pshadeCol, #bgColor: rgb(0, 0, 0)])
          pImg.copyPixels(img, rect(x+shadeOffset-5,y,x+barWidth+shadeOffset+5,y0),img.rect,[#ink: 39]) --+shadeOffset-5
          pImg.fill(x+shadeOffset,y+shadeOffset,x+barWidth+shadeOffset,y0, [#shapeType: #rect, #lineSize: 0, #color: pshadeCol, #bgColor: rgb(0, 0, 0)])
        end if
      end if
      pImg.fill(x,y,x+barWidth,y0-(ls=0), [#shapeType: #rect, #lineSize: ls, #color: aColor, #bgColor: rgb(0, 0, 0)])
      -- add shade
      if (props["shade"]) then
        if voidP(props["shadeoffset"]) then shadeOffset = 2
        else shadeOffset = props["shadeoffset"]
        if blur then
          img.fill(5,0,barWidth+5,y-y0+shadeOffset+5, [#shapeType: #rect, #lineSize: 0, #color: pshadeCol, #bgColor: rgb(0, 0, 0)])
          pImg.copyPixels(img, rect(x+shadeOffset-5,y0,x+barWidth+shadeOffset+5,y+shadeOffset),img.rect,[#ink: 39])
          pImg.fill(x+shadeOffset,y0,x+barWidth+shadeOffset,y+shadeOffset, [#shapeType: #rect, #lineSize: 0, #color: pshadeCol, #bgColor: rgb(0, 0, 0)])
        end if
      end if
      pImg.fill(x,y0-(ls>0),x+barWidth,y, [#shapeType: #rect, #lineSize: ls, #color: aColor, #bgColor: rgb(0, 0, 0)])
    end if
  end repeat

-- draw pie for specified values, labels and colors
on drawPie (me, data, aLabelList, aColorList, props) -- optional proplist props: linesize, shade, shadeoffset, blur
  -- normalize to 2*PI = 100%
  repeat with d in data
  end repeat
  data = data * 2*PI/sum
  if voidP(props["linesize"]) then ls = 1
  else ls = props["linesize"]
  if (props["shade"]) then
    if voidP(props["shadeoffset"]) then shadeOffset = 2
    else shadeOffset = props["shadeoffset"]
    blur = props["blur"]
    if blur then
      sImg.fill(blur,blur,w+blur,h+blur,[#shapeType: #oval, #lineSize: 0, #color: pshadeCol])
      pImg.fill(pXOffset+shadeOffset,pYOffset+shadeOffset,pXoffset+pW+shadeOffset,pYOffset+pH+shadeOffset,[#shapeType: #oval, #lineSize: 0, #color: pshadeCol])
    end if
  end if
  -- draw circle
  img.draw(0,0,w,h,[#shapeType: #oval, #lineSize: ls, #color: rgb(0,0,0)])
  -- paint arcs
  a = PI
  cnt = count(data)
  repeat with i = 1 to cnt
    img.draw(cx,cy,cx+cx*sin(a),cy+cy*cos(a),[#shapeType: #line, #lineSize: ls, #color: rgb(0,0,0)])
  end repeat
  -- addLabels
  tm = new (#text)
  tm.bgcolor = rgb(255,255,255)
  tm.font = pFont
  tm.fontsize = pFontsize
  tm.color = pTextCol
  repeat with i = 1 to cnt
    pImg.fill(x,y,x+10,y+10, [#shapeType: #rect, #lineSize: 1, #color: aColorList[i], #bgColor: rgb(0, 0, 0)])
    tm.text = aLabelList[i]
    img = tm.image
    p = tm.charPosToLoc(1)
    pImg.copyPixels(img, img.rect.offset(x+15,y+4-p[2]/2), img.rect, [#ink: 36])
  end repeat


-- rotate image
on rotateImg img, deg --, tws
  --deg = (pi()/180) * deg
  p1 = point((img.rect.width/2.0), (img.rect.height)/2.0)
  laenge = sqrt(float(p1[1] * p1[1]) + float(p1[2] * p1[2]))
  rad = deg + atan(float(p1[2]),float(p1[1]))
  newP1 = point((cos(rad) * laenge),(sin(rad) * laenge))
  newP3 = newP1 * -1
  p2 = p1 * point(1, -1)
  rad = deg + atan(float(p2[2]),float(p2[1]))
  newP2 = point((cos(rad) * laenge),(sin(rad) * laenge))
  newP4 = newP2 * -1
  breite = max(abs(newP1[1]), abs(newP2[1]))
  hoehe = max(abs(newP1[2]), abs(newP2[2]))
  offs = point(breite, hoehe)
  newP1 = newP1 + offs
  newP2 = newP2 + offs
  newP3 = newP3 + offs
  newP4 = newP4 + offs
  temp = image(breite * 2, hoehe * 2, img.depth, 0)
  temp.copyPixels(img, [newP3, newP2, newP1, newP4], img.rect)
  --if tws then return temp.trimwhitespace()
  return temp

-- blur image
on blur (startImg, repetitions, doCrop)
  img = startImg
  repeat with i = 1 to repetitions
    img=_blur(img, doCrop)
  end repeat
  return img

  -- ACTION : apply a 5x5 convolution matrix and return the resulting image
  -- INPUTS : startImg : #image, the image on which to do the 5x5 blur
  --          doCrop {optional} : #boolean, choose if the new image is
  --          the same size as the original one (TRUE) or bigger
  --          (FALSE by default)
  -- RETURN : #image if everything's all right
  --          VOID if startImg is not an image
on _blur (startImg, doCrop)
  -- 1 - check input
  if (ilk(startImg) <> #image) then return VOID
  -- 2 - initialization
  buffer  = image( startImg.width+4, startImg.height+4, 24 )
  myRect  = rect( 0, 0, startImg.width, startImg.height )
  -- 3.1 - declaration of offset & blend lists
  offsetL = [[4,4],[4,0],[0,4],[0,0],[3,4],[3,0],[1,4],[4,3],[4,1],[0,3],[1,0],[0,1],[2,0],[2,4],[0,2],[4,2],[3,3],[1,1],[3,1],[1,3],[3,2],[1,2],[2,3],[2,1],[2,2]]
  blendLL = [0,0,0,0,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,10,10,10,10,16,16,16,16,26,26,26,26,26]
  -- 3.2 - blur
  repeat with j = 1 to 25 -- = offsetL.count
    myBlend = blendLL[j] * 1.8
    -- 1.8 = luminosity correction, from 1.5 to 5
    if not myBlend then next repeat
    destRect = myRect.offset(offsetL[j][1], offsetL[j][2])
    buffer.copyPixels(startImg, destRect, myRect, [#blendLevel : myBlend])
  end repeat
  -- 4 - return the result
  if doCrop then
    -- crop the results
    return buffer.duplicate().crop(myRect.offset(2, 2))
    -- do not crop
    return buffer.duplicate()
  end if



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