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Behavior Interactive Flash File Behavior

Added on 6/30/1999


behavior D6_5 D7 D8 Mac PC Shockwave

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Author: GeoffHoffman

Flash Drag Behavior

--           by geoffrey hoffman           --

-- Flash Drag Behavior
global keyPress
property action, startHPoint, startVpoint, startPt, startScale, startRot
property memRef, button_active

on mouseDown me
  -- capture the currently clicked flash member
  set the memRef of me = member(the memberNum of sprite (the spriteNum of me))
  -- capture the loc of the currently clicked flash member
  set the startPt of me = the loc of sprite (the spriteNum of me)
  -- capture the mouseH origin
  set the startHPoint of me = the mouseH
  -- capture the mouseV of origin
  set the startVpoint of me = the mouseV
  -- capture the origin scale
  set the startScale of me = the scale of member (the memRef of me)
  -- capture the origin rotation
  set the startRot of me = the rotation of member (the memRef of me)

  case (keyPress) of
    "S","s": set the action of me = 1 -- scale
    "R","r": set the action of me = 2 -- rotate
    "P","p": set the action of me = 3 -- position
      set the action of me = 0 -- no key
      alert "Press the S, R, or P key to Scale, Rotate, or Position the item, respectively. Then click & drag."
  end case

  repeat while the stillDown

    case (the action of me) of
      1:   --- scale handling

        set delta = the mouseH - the startHPoint of me

        -- sizeCheck
        if (the scale of member (the memRef of me) > 5) AND (the scale of member (the memRef of me) < 2400) then
          set the scale of member (the memRef of me) = the startScale of me + (0.01*delta)
          set the scale of member (the memRef of me) = 5
        end if -- sizeCheck

        -- deal with shrinking and enlarging the bounding box (a.k.a. defaultRect)
        set LF = the left of the defaultRect of member (the memref of me)
        set TP = the top of the defaultRect of member (the memref of me)
        set RT = the right of the defaultRect of member (the memref of me)
        set BM = the bottom of the defaultRect of member (the memRef of me)

        set LF = LF-(.2*delta)
        set TP = TP-(.2*delta)
        set RT = RT+(.2*delta)
        set BM = BM+(.2*delta)

        -- bbox check
        if (the width of the defaultRect of member(the memRef of me) >= 10) AND (the width of the defaultRect of member(the memRef of me) <= 4800) then

          set the defaultRect of member(the memRef of me) = rect(LF,TP,RT,BM)
          set the defaultRect of member (the memRef of me) = rect(0,0,10,10)

        end if -- bbox check

      2:   --- rotate handling
        set delta = the mouseH - the startHPoint of me
        set the rotation of member (the memRef of me) = integer(the startRot of me + (0.5*delta))

      3:  --- position handling
        set deltaH = (the mouseH - the startHPoint of me)
        set deltaV = (the mouseV - the startVPoint of me)
        set the loc of sprite (the spriteNum of me) = the startPt of me + point(deltaH, deltaV)

    end case


  end repeat

  set the button_active of me = TRUE

on mouseUp me
    set the startPt of me = the loc of sprite (the spriteNum of me)
    set the startRot of me = the regPoint of member (the memRef of me)
    set the startScale of me = the scale of member (the memRef of me)
    set the button_active of me = false


on beginSprite me
  set the button_active of me = false
  -- puppetSprite the spriteNum of me, TRUE

on endSprite me
  -- puppetSprite the spriteNum of me, FALSE

on getPropertyDescriptionList
  if the currentspritenum = 0 then
    set memdefault = 0
    set memref = the member of sprite the currentspritenum
    set castlibnum = the castlibnum of memref
  end if

  set p_list = [ #memref: [ #comment: "Use member:",     #format: #flash,     #default:   memRef]     ]
  return p_list

on getBehaviorDescription
  return "Makes a flash sprite interactivly editable. Hold 'S' to scale, 'R' to rotate, and 'P' to position the flash content. Then click and drag."



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