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Behavior Text Search Engine

Added on 9/27/1999


behavior D7 D8 Mac PC Shockwave

This item has not yet been rated

Author: MediaMacros (website)

This behavior sets up a text search. Use field members for the search field, result box, name of the article, current result number, and total results. For the buttons use any other type of cast member. On the searchButton declare the list of the cast libraries to search as a text string separated by commas and no extra spaces.
For source file and more detailed explination, check out the article

--Use field members for the search field, result box, name of the article, current result number, and total results. For the buttons use any other type of cast member.
--On the searchButton declare the list of the cast libraries to search as a text string separated by commas and no extra spaces.
--Copyright 1999 Chuck Neal
--If you find this code helpful, send me an e-mail and let me know. :-)

property whichItem, spriteNum, theCastList

global searchResults, itemsList

on getPropertyDescriptionList me
  p_list = [:]
  if the currentSpriteNum > 0 then
    if sprite(the currentSpriteNum).member.type <> #field then
      --is not one of the fields/text members use as one of the buttons
      p_list.addProp(#thecastlist, [#format : #string, #default : "text", #comment : "Which castlib(separate with commas and no spaces):"])
      p_list.addProp(#whichItem, [#format : #symbol, #default : #search, #comment : "Which button:", #range : [#SearchButton, #SearchAgainButton, #searchPreviousButton]])
      p_list.addProp(#whichItem, [#format : #symbol, #default : #SearchField, #comment : "Which field:", #range : [#SearchField, #SearchResults, #Results1, #Results2, #ArticleName]])
    end if
  end if
  return p_list

on beginSprite me
  if itemsList = void then itemsList = [#currentSearch : 0]
  --establish where everything is
  itemsList[whichItem] = spriteNum
  --clear the text

on clear me
  if [#Results1 , #results2, #searchResults, #ArticleName, #searchField].getOne(whichItem) <> 0 then
    sprite(spriteNum).member.text = ""
  end if

on mouseDown me
  case whichItem of
    #searchButton :
      itemsList[#currentSearch] = 1
      searchResults = searchText(sprite(itemsList[#searchButton]).theCastList, sprite(itemsList[#searchField]).member.text)
      if searchResults = [] then
        --no results
        alert "No matching results found"
      end if
    #searchAgainButton :
      if itemsList[#currentSearch] < searchResults.count then
        itemsList[#currentSearch] = itemsList[#currentSearch] + 1
      else if searchResults.count > 1 then
        alert "Last found result. Beginning again from first result."
        itemsList[#currentSearch] = 1
        alert "There was only one match to your query"
      end if
    #searchPreviousButton :
      if itemsList[#currentSearch] > 1 then
        itemsList[#currentSearch] = itemsList[#currentSearch] - 1
      else if searchResults.count > 1 then
        alert "This is the first result. Returning to the end of the list."
        itemsList[#currentSearch] = searchResults.count
        alert "There was only one match to your query"
      end if
  end case

on nextSearch me
  case whichItem of
    #Results1 :
      sprite(spriteNum).member.text = string(itemsList[#currentSearch])
    #results2 :
      sprite(spriteNum).member.text = string(searchResults.count)
    #searchResults :
      --see if it is the same member as the last search
      if sprite(spriteNum).member.text <> searchResults[itemsList[#currentSearch]][1].text then
        sprite(spriteNum).member.text = searchResults[itemsList[#currentSearch]][1].text
      end if
      sprite(spriteNum).member.scrolltop = (charPosToLoc(sprite(spriteNum).member, searchResults[itemsList[#currentSearch]][2])).locV - (sprite(spriteNum).member.lineheight)
      hilite char searchResults[itemsList[#currentSearch]][2] to searchResults[itemsList[#currentSearch]][3] of member the member of sprite spriteNum
    #ArticleName :
      sprite(spriteNum).member.text = searchResults[itemsList[#currentSearch]][1].name
  end case

on searchText castlist, textString
  resultList = []
  the itemDelimiter = ","
  repeat with x = 1 to castlist.item.count
    repeat with y = 1 to (the number of members of castlib x)
      if [#text, #field].getOne(member(y, castlist.item[x]).type) <> 0 then
        if member(y, castlist.item[x]).text contains textString then
          --string is in the text search for all instances
          offsetItem = 0
          tempText = member(y, castlist.item[x]).text
          repeat while tempText contains textString
            theOffset = offset(textString, tempText)
            offSetEnd = theOffset + (textString.char.count - 1)
            resultList.add([member(y, castlist.item[x]), theOffset + offsetItem, offsetEnd + offsetItem])
            offsetItem = offsetItem + offsetEnd
            tempText = tempText.char[(offsetEnd + 1)..(tempText.char.count)]
          end repeat
        end if
      end if
    end repeat
  end repeat
  return resultList

on getBehaviorDescription me
  describe = "This behavior sets up a text search. Use field members for the search field, result box, name of the article, current result number, and total results."
  describe = describe & return & "For the buttons use any other type of cast member. On the searchButton declare the list of the cast libraries to search as a text string separated by commas and no extra spaces."
  return describe



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