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Behavior File Association and save

Added on 10/2/2000


D7 D8 PC Script

Required Xtras:
Buddy API

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Author: MediaMacros (website)

This is a set of scripts that will allow you to associate a file type (by extension) so that clicking on the save file will open your projector and feed back the data.

--The 4 parts work as follows...
--Create the file association first like so...
--createSaveAssociation(threeLetterExtension, thePathToTheProjector, nameOfTheTypeOfFile, description)
--Example : createSaveAssociation("sav", the applicationPath & "start.exe", "SaveFile" , "Game Save Data")
--Save a file to the users drive.  This can be used alone for saving an encrypted save file or you can use the same extension from --the last function to make an associated save file.  It works like this...
--saveFile(theFilenameIncludingThePath, listOfDataHeadings, listOfDataValues, encryptionKey)
--Example : saveFile("C:saveFile.sav", ["UserName", "Score"], ["Chuck", "999,999"], "ThisKey")
--Get the data back from the users file.
--getFileData(fileNameIncludingThePath, listOfDataHeadings-SameAsTheSavelistOfDataHeadings, key-SameAsSaveKey)
--Example : valueList = getFileData("C:saveFile.sav", ["UserName", "Score"], "ThisKey")
--Last we have the option to pull the data if the file was double-clicked on rather than loaded through the projector.
--checkFileOpen(listOfDataHeadings, key)
--Example : valueList = checkFileopen(["UserName", "Score"], "ThisKey")

on createSaveAssociation Extension, ProgramPath, theFileType, Description
  set shortFileName = baShortFileName(ProgramPath)
  baWriteIni( "Extensions", Extension, shortFileName && "^." & Extension, "win.ini" )
  baSendMsg( 65535, 26, 0, 0, true )
  if the number of chars in Extension <= 3 then    
    baWriteRegString("." & Extension, "", theFileType, "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" )
    baWriteRegString( theFileType & "\Shell\Open\Command", "", shortFileName && "%1", "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" )
    baWriteRegString( theFileType, "", Description, "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" )
  end if

on checkFileOpen keyList, key
  set thefileName = baCommandArgs( )
  set partFile = char 2 to the number of chars in thefilename of thefilename
  set driveLetter = baFindDrive( "a", partFile )
  if thefileName <> "" then
    set stringList = getFileData (driveLetter & thefileName, keyList, key)
    return stringList
    return void
  end if  

on saveFile thefileName, keyList, valueList, key
  repeat with x = 1 to count(keyList)
    baWriteIni("SaveData", getAt(keyList, x), baEncryptText(getAt(valueList,x), key), thefileName)
  end repeat

on getFileData whatFile, keyList, key
  valueList = []
  repeat with x = 1 to count(keyList)
    thisvalue = baDecryptText(baReadIni( "SaveData",  getAt(keyList, x), "Error", whatFile),key)
    add valueList, thisvalue
  end repeat
  return valueList

on getBehaviorDescription me
  describe = "This is a set of scripts that will allow you to associate a file type (by extension) so that clicking on the save file will open your projector and feed back the data."
  describe = describe & return & "The 4 parts work as follows..." & return & return & "-------------" & return & "Create the file association first like so..." & return & "createSaveAssociation(threeLetterExtension, thePathToTheProjector, nameOfTheTypeOfFile, description)" & return & "Example : createSaveAssociation(" & quote & "sav" & quote & ", the applicationPath & " & quote & "start.exe" & quote & ", " & quote & "SaveFile" & quote && ", " & quote & "Game Save Data" & quote & ")"
  describe = describe & return & "-------------"  & return &  "Save a file to the users drive.  This can be used alone for saving an encrypted save file or you can use the same extension from the last function to make an associated save file.  It works like this..." & Return & "saveFile(theFilenameIncludingThePath, listOfDataHeadings, listOfDataValues, encryptionKey)" & return & "The list of data headings is a linear list of what each saved field should be called.  The second list is the values in the same order."& return & "Example : saveFile(" & quote & "C:\saveFile.sav" & quote & ", [" & quote & "UserName" & quote & ", " & quote & "Score" & quote & "], [" & quote & "Chuck" & quote & ", " & quote & "999,999" & quote & "], " & quote & "ThisKey" & quote & ")"
  describe = describe & return & "-------------" & return & "Get the data back from the users file." & return & "Use like this..." & return & "getFileData(fileNameIncludingThePath, listOfDataHeadings-SameAsTheSavelistOfDataHeadings, key-SameAsSaveKey)" & Return & "This will return a list of the cooresponding values." & return & "Example : valueList = getFileData(" & quote & "C:\saveFile.sav" & quote & ", [" & quote & "UserName" & quote & ", " & quote & "Score" & quote & "], " & quote & "ThisKey" & quote & ")"
  describe = describe & return & "-------------" & return & "Last we have the option to pull the data if the file was double-clicked on rather than loaded through the projector." & Return & "It works like this..." & return & "checkFileOpen(listOfDataHeadings, key)" & Return & "Use the same list of data headings and call this in the start movie handler or wherever you want to pull the data from the loaded movie (before you need to access these values.)" & return & "Example : valueList = checkFileopen(["& quote & "UserName" & quote & ", " & quote & "Score" & quote & "], " & quote & "ThisKey" & quote & ")"
  return describe



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